
Bitcoin Market Charts, Data & Tools

Bitcoin Price: $68,228.96 (1,251.88
Market Cap: $1,346,273,303,303

Use the real-time price converter above to calculate the price of Bitcoin to U.S. Dollars or U.S. Dollars to Bitcoin which uses our Bitcoin global market price index and is updated every few minutes. The global price is derived from the average Bitcoin price across all major Bitcoin exchanges. To see each exchanges individual price, check the Bitcoin Exchange Price Chart. Want to know more about Bitcoin? Read the Bitcoin FAQ to learn more. is a web service dedicated to providing Bitcoin market stats and charting data on some key components of the Bitcoin network such as Bitcoin exchanges. CoinSalad monitors all the major USD-currency based exchanges on the market providing near real-time market data. Listed exchanges have shown to have steady and decent volume. Learn more about CoinSalad or feel free to contact us. Follow us on Twitter @CoinSalad. Charting software courtesy of CanvasJS. 2024 ❤ Help support development of this service by making a donation.